Wasn't talkin' about you. You're not a baby-boomer. The people born in the 40's-50's are the ones who destroyed the economy, yet sit around and praise the worst, most corrupt president in the history of the US, Reagan, who single handed tripled the deficit that the US has never been able to dig itself out of.
As far as Obama goes - No, he's not a great president. He's not a horrible president either. He has done a much better job "fixing" the economy than Bush did. Nobody with an education or the slightest bit of understanding on economics or business could argue that without lookin stupid.
And the black vs. white thing can be traced back to Obama, however it's certainly not all his fault. It's the racist of this country blaming all their problems on a "black Muslim" president rather than taking responsibility for themselves. Oh, and the conservative "white" old men in Congress that block every single one of his bills regardless of what it is.
Now, let's get a peek at that kielbasa you're packing.