M mtrl_29 New member Oct 1, 2001 #1 i've never seen anyone else mention this but almost every cycle i go on i always seem to ejaculate prematurely... for some reason it becomes damn sensitve. my girlfriend wonders what is wrong.. eeeeeeks. ever have this happen?
i've never seen anyone else mention this but almost every cycle i go on i always seem to ejaculate prematurely... for some reason it becomes damn sensitve. my girlfriend wonders what is wrong.. eeeeeeks. ever have this happen?
Enigmaxxx7 New member Oct 1, 2001 #2 yeah, i'm sensitive as hell right now. jack off about 6 hours before and tell her she really turns you on and you just can't help it.
yeah, i'm sensitive as hell right now. jack off about 6 hours before and tell her she really turns you on and you just can't help it.
A atwa New member Oct 1, 2001 #3 ive never heard of that problem while on........but we are all different. hope all works out for ya.
M mtrl_29 New member Oct 1, 2001 #4 lmao...... yeah i do that 3 times a year now for 10 weeks at a time.... and she does turn me on....... oh boy! it's like a damn canon... thanks guys...
lmao...... yeah i do that 3 times a year now for 10 weeks at a time.... and she does turn me on....... oh boy! it's like a damn canon... thanks guys...