Yea bro, sounds like your Estrogen is out of control right now. Def hop on that PCT and you may also want to try a antidepressant. I too suffer from depression.
I would highly recommend lexapro, it works quickly and has few interactions, 10mg a day can make a huge difference.
lexapro in itself does not cause or prevent gyno (several anti depressants can cause severe gyno by themselves) which means AI/PCT will be indentical to someone who doesn't take lexapro.
So, to summarise/clarify:
1-lexapro will NOT interact with anabolic androgenic steroids
2-lexapro CAN interact with supplements (severely enough to cause death with St John's wort)
3-after a cycle your body will try to find homeostasis (rebalance itself to cope without roids) which due to your age, gender and self reported feelings. means you MAY be more prone to suicide.
Side note:unlike most antidepressants lexapro works within days rather than weeks so your mental health professional can increase your dose to alleviate post cycle depression.
Fun fact:lexapro rather than simply encouraging reuptake in the serotonergic system/stimulating the prefrontal cortex (brains happy happy joy joy place)is actually able to encourage neogenesis and help build dendrites (new connections) which allows it to be taken almost indefinitely without becoming resistant to treatment
Source(s) myself and by extension the university of michigan