Themachine01 said:
Im trying to persuade a buddy into the winny over var just because of how high the price of the var is. Its just that Ive never taken winny tabs and all he can get is the British Dragon, Thailand 5mg tabs.
Well, then share this information with him so he can make a more informed decision.
Posted by Big Cat:
In defense of Stanozolol
Stanozolol is a methylated drug. That means it can be taken orally and be quite effective, but also displays a certain level of liver toxicity. We need to relativate these findings, toxicity is often overstated and it was found (14) that many cases where liver toxicity was determined based on aminotransferase levels were false positives when we looked at the CGT levels. Nonetheless some care should be taken. In general we advise no more than 6-8 weeks on any hepatoxic drug within normal doses (for stanazolol that is 50-100 mg per day) when taken orally and up to 10 weeks when injected (50-75 mg per day). After that ample time should be given to the liver to recover.
Stanozolol has no 3-keto group, which is in most cases essential for androgen binding. So it is far from the heavy androgen some would have you believe it is. But it does appear to exhibit good binding in some places. Like its parent, DHT, it seems to reduce some aromatase activity and it may guard against some progestagenic binding (15) as well (from nandrolone or trenbolone) although it is unlikely its affinity for the PR is strong enough to play a crucial role in that. It has been suggested that stanozolol may have good binding to the microsomal AR, which may explain its benefits as far as energy utilization. Both aerobic and anaerobic, stanozolol seems to exhibit a large increase in performance. Strength and explosiveness increase, and athletes seem to tire less fast. It has therefore been a favourite of many runners, both in shorter and longer distances. The main use here for us will then also be to assist in the maintaining and gaining of strength, rather than sheer mass, although its light anti-aromatase properties will also aid us in attaining a more fat-free body.
One reason, with regards to safety, why I chose to include stanozolol and not a more potent bulk-up agent as the oral component of this cycle, is because of its effects on tendons. It has long been a concern that steroid usage causes tendon damage. Directly it doesn’t of course, but as muscle size increases and strength increases, so does pressure on tendons. And since the tendons do not have a large degree of vascularity they cannot adapt as quickly as the muscle. Repeated strain causes microtraumata, and when enough microtraumata have built up, eventually the tendon will rupture. Stanozolol however, has been found to increase collagen synthesis (16) where testosterone did not. Collagen is a key component in fibrous tissue such as cartilage and tendons, and may therefore offer us the bonus effect of maintaining tendon health or even repairing damage of microtrauma, and keep our cartilage healthy so we can resist the pressure on our joints.