I was going to mention dips, chins, deads, squats, presses but you're doing all of that. Your routine looks real good all the exercises that matter. I got both of these routines from a different board the first is from cyberpump.com and the second one is a members workout both claim to add 1 inch to your arms. Give them a try if you want.
You will be using 70% of your working weight for skull crushers and BB curls.
Here's the routine.
60 sec Chin-up, 30 secs up and 30 secs down supersetted with BB curls to failure take a 1-2 min rest. Next you do a 60 sec dip 30 secs up 30 secs down, supersetted with skull crushers to failure 1-2 min rest then repeat chins/bb curl, dips/skull crushers one more time.
Do this workout no more then 3 times in a row, so do it once a week for three weeks.
In your first workout you will be using 70% of your working weight add 5lbs to your second and third workout and some weight around your waist for chins/dips.
Members routine
ok guys there is a thread here were people asked about adding size to arms and I posted a routine
everyone wants to use the routin and someone said I should make a new thread about it
cool enough here it is
first, a few key notes
1.) on the week you do this, skip back for that week (cry me a river ok it's just one week, your back could use the rest)
2.) I wouldn't recomend using this workou as your bicep routine
really I wouldn't even use it 1x a month
I'd do it like 2x a year if that
it's more of a platue buster/shock routine kinda thing
3.) with reguards to measurements
measure the day you work out(before your workout) then the same time the the next day and then again about 30 days later
(you may still have some pump effect the next day, after a full month I would assume any gains would be solid)
4.) tempo/rest
don't take a specific tempo
just be sure to do your reps slow enough to be in control of the weight (it's a light weight so that's np) and keep form strict
I rested at least 2 minutes between each set (it takes awhile)
I would say you should rest at least a full 60 seconds
more is fine
ok onto the good stuff
you should find your 1rm (good form) curl on the ez bar (I didn't use a striaght bar so you can if you want but if you do don't go telling me my system didn't work cus I'm being very specific for a reason, this is the way I did it and it worked)
you should find your max (or a good idea of what it is) before the workout, like as in a week before
6 sets of 12 reps with 35% of 1RM
5 sets of 12 reps with 40%
4 sets of 12 (if you can) at 45 or 50% (I was doing like, 8-10 reps by this point per set I think)
now I lowered the % there for most people because I had been training bis for 5 or 6 years before I did this
if you've been at it for th same time I have or consider yourself an advanced lifter you can start at
45 %
and 55%
when I did it my max was like 105 or 110 so I was adding 5 lbs instead of % cus it was roughly that much %
if you want you can add 5 lbs instead of figuring for 5%
but if you have a high max curl you'd probubly wanna work from a % instead of lbs
ok well try it and leme know what's up guys
you can see in my sig what one other person who I got to try it got from it
I gained 1/2"
so once I figured could be a fluke
twice even could be
but once I get some results from you guys hopefully Ill know if I've stumbled onto something
P.S. HIT freaks need not critique my workout unless they are willing to give it a try