you said "My quesadilla felt the wrath the other nite..... tossed....folded"
Last weekend a guy friend of mine referred to a chicks 'womanly part' as a quesadilla (aka taco) and the other 2 words Just popped out at me...
told ya I was a freak and my mind is in the gutter (as usual)
you said "My quesadilla felt the wrath the other nite..... tossed....folded"
Last weekend a guy friend of mine referred to a chicks 'womanly part' as a quesadilla (aka taco) and the other 2 words Just popped out at me...
told ya I was a freak and my head is in the gutter (as usual)
Where I used to work, we could make a girl we worked with laugh hysterically by referring to a pookie as a "Sasquatch." It was hilarious!! She'd just freak out....
Where I used to work, we could make a girl we worked with laugh hysterically by referring to a pookie as a "Sasquatch." It was hilarious!! She'd just freak out....