God Citruscide, I want to fuck your brains out... you are truly a God among men... you were right when you said I had sex on my mind... but that is because I have you on my mind ALL DAY LONG!!!
Thank you! Strippers love it too. True story, my boytoy and I went to a strip club a few weeks ago (Les Girls, for local San Diego folks), and no sooner do I step through the door wearing the aforementioned necklace, than this cute blonde stripper POUNCES on me and gushes "hiiii I loooove your necklaaace". Wish I'd gotten a free lapdance out of it...
Anyway, much ado about mudflap girls aside, I got it here. Can't beat the price, $5.99 including shipping.
Whosa Howsa? Copycat... well, you can call me any little sex name you want to little Pixie... If you want, you can start calling out "COPYCAT!" in bed because I hit the G-spot that many men before me have. Or, you can just pray to the Gods that the feeling you have will never end... such is the way of things... the way of the Citrus.