Thanks a lot for all your help WarLobo. I've been working really hard on all your advice and nutritional info over the the past year. I've been kinda nervous to post pictures, but I thought it was finally time. I have a lot of work to do, but I am getting there. I don't know my mearsurements, but I am 6'1" 236lbs. I have lost about 9 true pounds, but I am leaver now. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot for all your help WarLobo. I've been working really hard on all your advice and nutritional info over the the past year. I've been kinda nervous to post pictures, but I thought it was finally time. I have a lot of work to do, but I am getting there. I don't know my mearsurements, but I am 6'1" 236lbs. I have lost about 9 true pounds, but I am leaver now. Thanks again.