Here you go, I killed him last year because I am insecure and got picked on. I lift weights cause I am a closet fag and need to vent my aggressions. Fuck off.
I should get a t-shirt that says, "I carry a pistol because I am insecure about my masculinity - don't make me prove my manhood by shooting you in the face!"
MP5 I think you just have to give it up and realize that the gay community has a thing for you....just don't give into the dark side.....stay strong bro.
Here you go, I killed him last year because I am insecure and got picked on. I lift weights cause I am a closet fag and need to vent my aggressions. Fuck off.
See.....? I was right all along. Glad to see you admit it. That is the first step in coming out of the closet. You can skip step 2 which is telling your parents. Because they have known for years.
P.S. If that animal had a gun, your fat ass would be high tailing it out of the woods.
Nice MP5...where did you get that at?
I hate the fact I can't prove my masculinity this year!!!! Oh well, the Craig area I drew for this year isn't that great anyway.