i am impressed. No of you admit that you are on?
I tried to deny it for a while, b/c i started pretty young, and i guess i am still young, and i was ashamed that i was using steroids. I thought everyone would look down on me.
my first cycle. everyone noticed i was getting bigger... after that cycle was over, i got real bad acne on my arms, and people started speculating... I told them i had an eating problem and that i ate so much that i was growing like a weed. LOL
When i started my second cycle i got real bloated, and a few people caught on. Then when i dropped the anadrol and started cutting i got really ripped and it was obvious that i was on.
So i came to my senses. I admitted i was on. Now i am proud that i roid. There are only a few people that think i am stupid for roiding. I dont mind being straight up with people, they figure if you take steroids, you are a hardcore bodybuilder, and that was what i was shooting for.