I am not one to jump off the cliff just because everyone else does, so I will actually tell you something.....
I have 'read' that AAS speeds recovery of the body by the anabolic process.
The anabolic process is simple.....retain more nitrogen in your body/retain more muscle tissue.
When my 'friends' work out naturally (without aas) it takes them quite a while to recover....as in it takes a while to stop being sore.....
When 'they' are working out with aas, they recover MUCH quicker...probably around 50% or more....
So, to answer your question, I would imagine that if you were to take in some aas ( I would NOT recomend this in any way) it would aid in the recover of your dick tissues that break down durring whatever it is you are talking about.....
Jelquing DOES work to enlarge the penis. It takes years of consistant (every day practice) jelqing to enlarge the penis even half an inch, however the practice will cause penis for most people to naturally look larger when not erect, look larger when at half-staff. Theoretically HGH and/or AAS should increase this, but I think being that it does take so long for anything noticeable to happen as far as real size increases, it would take a very long cycle for this to work.
lol, i was just trying to stir up some opinions and you guys are all frikkin comedians, oh well, maybe i could just shoot em in my balls too, and then powder them down with cocaine so they arent as sensitive hows that??
Powdered balls? I gave them to my wife for Valentines Day! Never thought about dishing them into cocaine though. I'll bet she'd like that!! I wouldnt go for shooting in the balls cause maybe they will blow up and then make you dick look smaller. That just defeats everything man.