Pec IM Injection, I've done it before, I have dense pecs. Can I inject 2 cc Test E w/o risk of oil laying dormant & turnin into abcess? or is that too
hi, everyone
this is bascially the subj matter of my post: in a nutshell
"Pec IM Injection, I've done it before, I have dense pecs. Can I inject 2 cc Test E w/o risk of oil laying dormant & turnin into abcess? or is that too much and there is a lot more risk? The needle I'd be using would be 23 gauge 1 inch. of a bottle of Test E @ 250 mg/mL"
should i err on the side of a lot less? like 1.5 mgs / 1.5 cc's?
I got the answer elsewhere as ok for those who have dense muscular pec development like I do and they say yup, it's better than 2x a week (e.o.d.) injections, less frequent injections mean less chance of error, infection, less needles, etc. etc. -- but I just want to confirm with you all because i did have an abcess in the glute before years ago when i was a noobie probably cos i only used a 1 inch needle when the glute required a 1 inch needle
i have been pinning my pecs for years with 1 mL or 1 cc of 250 mg's twice a week,
but would for a 1 inch needle 23 gauge, could i safely inject 2 cc's of test e. 250 mg's in 1 sitting / 1 shot (1x per week) giving me like 500 mgs / week of test e.? or is there a chance that too much of that in 1 area--
the pecs are a large muscle by the way and probably can take that much Testosterone e. oil with a 1 inch needle pushed in very slowly all the way and massaged after i very slowly pull it out right?
thanks for all your help
hi, everyone
this is bascially the subj matter of my post: in a nutshell
"Pec IM Injection, I've done it before, I have dense pecs. Can I inject 2 cc Test E w/o risk of oil laying dormant & turnin into abcess? or is that too much and there is a lot more risk? The needle I'd be using would be 23 gauge 1 inch. of a bottle of Test E @ 250 mg/mL"
should i err on the side of a lot less? like 1.5 mgs / 1.5 cc's?
I got the answer elsewhere as ok for those who have dense muscular pec development like I do and they say yup, it's better than 2x a week (e.o.d.) injections, less frequent injections mean less chance of error, infection, less needles, etc. etc. -- but I just want to confirm with you all because i did have an abcess in the glute before years ago when i was a noobie probably cos i only used a 1 inch needle when the glute required a 1 inch needle
i have been pinning my pecs for years with 1 mL or 1 cc of 250 mg's twice a week,
but would for a 1 inch needle 23 gauge, could i safely inject 2 cc's of test e. 250 mg's in 1 sitting / 1 shot (1x per week) giving me like 500 mgs / week of test e.? or is there a chance that too much of that in 1 area--
the pecs are a large muscle by the way and probably can take that much Testosterone e. oil with a 1 inch needle pushed in very slowly all the way and massaged after i very slowly pull it out right?
thanks for all your help