Bloodwork is the only way to know exactly how long your PCT should be and recovered. Obviously the longer cycles and harsher compounds should have longer PCTs, but it also depends on how extensive your PCT is as well. A great 4 week PCT could be better than a poor 8 week PCT. That's why some of these people on Nolva pcts don't recover often
The longer you stay off the more stable your HPTA becomes. People think once they get back to normal, they're good to go again. No so. It's still fragile. Also, doing an extra month of UNLEASHED along with BRIDGE can only help gains, so...why not?
The longer you stay off the more stable your HPTA becomes. People think once they get back to normal, they're good to go again. No so. It's still fragile. Also, doing an extra month of UNLEASHED along with BRIDGE can only help gains, so...why not?