I started taking ostarine at around 10/15mg a day 5 days ago, obviously I do not expect to see results already yet I was just wondering before I go further into the cycle, as I only weight 165 (ish) lbs, fairly lean in most areas except store a fair amount of stubborn fat. Should I use this cycle in order to maintain my weight and attempt to achieve a body recomp, or cut down at around 1-2lbs each week. I feel as if my original intentions to cut may be seen as somewhat insane considering im 6 foot 2 and weigh 165. Also was just wondering whether 10-15mg a day is enough, I have over a gram of ostarine yet was hoping to do another cycle in the future yet I do not mind using 20-30mg a day of ostarine in this cycle in order to achieve better results as long as I do not experience any testicular atrophy like others have experienced when running ostarine at around 25mg a day. (To clarify I also have a gram of nolva which I intend to use as a pct at 20mg a day for 2 weeks after the cycle).