Hi everyone. New member here, but a long-time reader of the forum. I just wanted to get some insight on my blood work results.
Here is a little background... 27 years old. Done several cycles over the last 5 years, including some blasting and cruising. Mainly only used testosterone, occasionally with an oral. I tried using tren earlier this year, but had to stop 5 weeks in because of the horrible side effects. I have gotten to a point in my life where I just no longer want to be on cycle. I met a great girl, and I am starting to think about my future and things such as having kids etc. I have a lot shoulder problems, and some pretty serious spine and lower back problems (partly from an injury around 2002, partly genetic). I don't have the desire to be in the gym like I did when I was younger. I feel stupid and embarrassed about not cycling properly and regret staying on testosterone as long as I did. But what's done is done, and I am here now. I spoke with the doctor, and she said she was prepared to give me HRT, but I told her I wanted to wait to see if my levels would eventually come back before I make a decision like that.
My libido isn't great, but it's not as bad as it was when I first started the SERMs. I am still having sex almost everyday. My testicles have also grown significantly in size. My strength in the gym has definetely gone down, but I don't really care to lift heavy anymore anyways (due to injuries). Muscle mass has also decreased and body fat has increased.
My last shot of testosterone enanthate (500 mg) was August 29, 2016. I waited 14 days and started blasting HCG (Cashout's HRT Exit Protocol). I used 2500 IU E3D for the first 2 shots, and 2000 IU E3D for the last 4 shots. A day after my last shot of HCG, I started Nolvadex (20 mg) and Clomid (50 mg). I have been on the SERMs for 3 weeks now. I had blood work done 2 weeks after starting Clomid/Nolvadex to ensure that the drugs were doing what they were supposed to be doing. I know it's early, and I still have another 8 days of Clomid and 23 days of Nolvadex, but I feel like my testosterone should be higher after 3 weeks of HCG and 2 weeks of SERMS, especially since my LH and FSH are in normal range (on the lower side albeit). My SHBG is also low, and free testosterone is on the lower side of the normal range (not sure how to interrupt this). I am planning on getting more blood work done 2 months after I finish the SERMS, but I am curious what you guys have to say about my recent results. Also, should I extend my PCT a week or 2?
Thanks everyone!
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Here is a little background... 27 years old. Done several cycles over the last 5 years, including some blasting and cruising. Mainly only used testosterone, occasionally with an oral. I tried using tren earlier this year, but had to stop 5 weeks in because of the horrible side effects. I have gotten to a point in my life where I just no longer want to be on cycle. I met a great girl, and I am starting to think about my future and things such as having kids etc. I have a lot shoulder problems, and some pretty serious spine and lower back problems (partly from an injury around 2002, partly genetic). I don't have the desire to be in the gym like I did when I was younger. I feel stupid and embarrassed about not cycling properly and regret staying on testosterone as long as I did. But what's done is done, and I am here now. I spoke with the doctor, and she said she was prepared to give me HRT, but I told her I wanted to wait to see if my levels would eventually come back before I make a decision like that.
My libido isn't great, but it's not as bad as it was when I first started the SERMs. I am still having sex almost everyday. My testicles have also grown significantly in size. My strength in the gym has definetely gone down, but I don't really care to lift heavy anymore anyways (due to injuries). Muscle mass has also decreased and body fat has increased.
My last shot of testosterone enanthate (500 mg) was August 29, 2016. I waited 14 days and started blasting HCG (Cashout's HRT Exit Protocol). I used 2500 IU E3D for the first 2 shots, and 2000 IU E3D for the last 4 shots. A day after my last shot of HCG, I started Nolvadex (20 mg) and Clomid (50 mg). I have been on the SERMs for 3 weeks now. I had blood work done 2 weeks after starting Clomid/Nolvadex to ensure that the drugs were doing what they were supposed to be doing. I know it's early, and I still have another 8 days of Clomid and 23 days of Nolvadex, but I feel like my testosterone should be higher after 3 weeks of HCG and 2 weeks of SERMS, especially since my LH and FSH are in normal range (on the lower side albeit). My SHBG is also low, and free testosterone is on the lower side of the normal range (not sure how to interrupt this). I am planning on getting more blood work done 2 months after I finish the SERMS, but I am curious what you guys have to say about my recent results. Also, should I extend my PCT a week or 2?

Thanks everyone!
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