Mom nicely said but as we quickly approach the age of 55 we don't really like to hear the word senior mentioned in a sentance that includes us. We are by no means relationship experts but we are proud of our 36 years together much of which was great some of which was not but it was always good so we would just share two things. 1) we have done everything sexually together that two people can do to each other ,some we have done only once and some that we have done over a thousand times (love those BJ's) but the best sex we ever had was last night and i have a strong feeling that tonight will be even better. 2) when we fight ,and we do , we ask our selves whats the goal of this arguement and is it really important to win. 99.9% of the time we realize that this disagreement will not change our lives so who cares who wins so why fight .