QKcam, I've been scanning back on your old posts. If you're taking a good quality natural pregnenolone, especially if you're taking testosterone, you don't need DHEA (besides, most of the DHEAs available in stores are crap).
Your polycythemia is potentially caused by too high a testosterone level, that's an easily researchable fact.
You need a doctor who understands endocrine balance. Find one who works in bioidenticals, it's not that much more expensive and seriously, what's your health worth? Find a compounding pharmacy and ask them for a list of doctors who order from them. I can't emphasize enough you need the thyroid straightened out because if that's not working right nothing else will.
What you need to understand, REALLY UNDERSTAND, is that when it comes to hormones MORE IS NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. Estrogen levels impact thyroid levels (excess estrogen mimics inadequate thyroid). Certain hormones need to be cycled -- progesterone and pregnenolone. You need to figure out what your body requires, some of us do better with orals, some with topicals, some with shots. You need a doctor you can talk to and you need blood work done regularly.
I'm just saying, taking pregnenolone plus DHEA plus testosterone can give you sky high test levels and possibly polycythemia. You said you had a partial hysto, do you still have your ovaries? Taking progesterone when you're still ovulating could have you overdosed.
I can't emphasize enough, you aren't going to be happy in the long run if you can't get things stabilized but you need to either monitor the hell out of your own blood work and know what you're looking at, or find a doctor you can work with
Your polycythemia is potentially caused by too high a testosterone level, that's an easily researchable fact.
You need a doctor who understands endocrine balance. Find one who works in bioidenticals, it's not that much more expensive and seriously, what's your health worth? Find a compounding pharmacy and ask them for a list of doctors who order from them. I can't emphasize enough you need the thyroid straightened out because if that's not working right nothing else will.
What you need to understand, REALLY UNDERSTAND, is that when it comes to hormones MORE IS NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. Estrogen levels impact thyroid levels (excess estrogen mimics inadequate thyroid). Certain hormones need to be cycled -- progesterone and pregnenolone. You need to figure out what your body requires, some of us do better with orals, some with topicals, some with shots. You need a doctor you can talk to and you need blood work done regularly.
I'm just saying, taking pregnenolone plus DHEA plus testosterone can give you sky high test levels and possibly polycythemia. You said you had a partial hysto, do you still have your ovaries? Taking progesterone when you're still ovulating could have you overdosed.
I can't emphasize enough, you aren't going to be happy in the long run if you can't get things stabilized but you need to either monitor the hell out of your own blood work and know what you're looking at, or find a doctor you can work with