We are in the process of creating several options for guys in need of PCT. Everything from Anti-Estrogen to even a new product to lower prolactin and progesterone that Nelson has been working on.
the anti prolactin and progesterone im looking forward to and a new Anti-estrogen would be awesome. Unfortunately some of the products that are in this are in some of the products i'm currently taking. Specifically the mucana and horny goat weed extract although im sure this product has a higher percent of icariin than my product (standardized to min. 3%) I take IGF 2 by Applied nutraceuticals for prolactin control so I'd rather not go off of that but luckily you guys still have the old version HCGenerate so I can just get that. You guys aren't planning on discontinuing the old version are you? Oh wait lol on cycle I wouldn't take the IGF 2 whoops my bad :/ ok so yea ill get this new version and just drop the horny goat weed and LJ :100 I take when it comes to cycle time and just switch it up. So cool that works