Does the number of guys your girl has been with bother you? What is her number?
My gf has been with four other guys and though I've been with fourteen girls it still bothers me.. I guess I have some growin up to do but I have jealousy issues
Don't know hers and definitely don't need her knowing mine. Just better that way. It doesn't matter now anyway. But yes, no matter the number it probably would bother me.
I would want to know cuz what if she's been with like 50 . I used to work with girls and I saw how shady they were majority of girls
Number was 15+ and the married one says there husbands didn't know how skeezy they really were ..
Seriously 4... I wouldn't be upset about that and if you've been with 13 wtf would you care. In the end if you like them and want to be with them and the same is true of her it really doesn't matter. As long as my girl is honest I can move forward with it if really do like them.