You need to keep your Tren dose where it is for now. 500 per week of Ace is overkill and plenty. What is going to happen is that in a week or so the side effects are going to kick in full force and you will be suffering from sides like aggression, severe nightsweats, and blood pressure elevation. Tren is the most powerful AAS on the market and remember MORE is NOT BETTER, in fact lower your doses from now on and keep your gains. The more gear you do the faster you make water weight gains and the faster you lose them when you come off. And to answer your question reference having a calorie deficit making you sweat, the answer is NO. You are sweating due to severe hormone fluctuations and the fact that you are carrying excessive body fat, bet your BF is over 16%. The leaner you are when you start Tren the less you sweat while on at a moderate dose. You really need to research this before uping any doses. Tren is however the only AAS you can take and still make gains while being in a caloric deficit state.