superqt4u2nv said:
I don't recommend stacking for sometime stick with var I believe I did 4 cycles before I tried other things. Try something on it's own first always and then stack items you have tried separately together. I have done winny with great strength gains but it was a bit hard on my joints very drying. I do really like NPP and it was also great strength gains but have to be ready to inject yourself.
Sorry for my late update, but thought Id share my short experience from var with you!
First, THANK YOU all for helping!
I didnt see any gains until I went up to 15 mg, I did that for about two weeks, than I had to come off..

Clean for competition. (I did 1 week 5mgs, 3 weeks 10 mgs, and two weeks 15 mgs, half dose in the morning, half before gym in evening). This was my first time on roids, about 4 years of training.
I saw nothing really the first weeks, but at 15 it was good for me. I guess this must be VERY different from person to person, as many claim to get good gains on 5 mgs.. as that did nothing noticeable for me. And before you ask again, I am 100% sure this was real var. Just take my word for it
I went up 15 lbs on my bench press (new max 210lbs), up about 22 Ibs on my squat and from one rep on (edit: had to convert from kg's) 315 deadlift, to three reps on same weight. Im happy withe the gains I got from an only two weeks steroid boost.
Now Ive been dieting over two months, started almost right after my cycle. Surprisingly I kept my gains VERY well, and I can even do new max lift on my diet, and then I mean even more than I could lift when I was heavier and on roids. Anavar was great, but I recommend doing a longer cycle, next time Im doing AT LEAST 8 weeks.
And last but not least, sides..

Nothing a dedicated person who wants to get somewhere would care about, the gains are all worth it in my opinion.
Minor clit swelling, woulnt notice if I wasnt aware of it.. (well maybe, hah), a little extra facial hair, cute little ones,

and also when I finished my cycle, I noticed some extra tiny hairs on my body, chest mainly.. No acne or anything else to worry about. For later cycles I will upper my dose, and be on for a longer period. As my training partnes would say it, "a little rougher face wouldnt hurt you, it just looks tough", and "a rough voice is just sexy".. Haha.. but dont I take what they say to seriously!
Take care, start low