puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Nov 6, 2008 #11 You'll be kicking yourself if Denver wins, total Cleveland pile-on.
goin on 4T MVP Platinum EF VIP Nov 6, 2008 #12 You have a bunch of k why didn't you put up the game? I would have but I haven't had time to figure how to do it...
You have a bunch of k why didn't you put up the game? I would have but I haven't had time to figure how to do it...
puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Nov 6, 2008 #13 goin on 4T said: You have a bunch of k why didn't you put up the game? I would have but I haven't had time to figure how to do it... Click to expand... Cause I want to BET it, not bookie it.
goin on 4T said: You have a bunch of k why didn't you put up the game? I would have but I haven't had time to figure how to do it... Click to expand... Cause I want to BET it, not bookie it.
hurricane Executive Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator Chairman Member Nov 6, 2008 #15 Spartacus said: fvk I forgot I'll just pass out kay hits Click to expand... i should have put it up .. but i wanted to bet clev so bad .. i waited to the last min, to see if u would do it .. .. looks like u saved a pile-on in the wrong direction..only half time though
Spartacus said: fvk I forgot I'll just pass out kay hits Click to expand... i should have put it up .. but i wanted to bet clev so bad .. i waited to the last min, to see if u would do it .. .. looks like u saved a pile-on in the wrong direction..only half time though
fistfullofsteel Well-known member Nov 6, 2008 #16 LMAO again at the shitty Browns. i have your overrated right here motherfuckers. scrubby cellar dwellars.
LMAO again at the shitty Browns. i have your overrated right here motherfuckers. scrubby cellar dwellars.
hurricane Executive Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator Chairman Member Nov 6, 2008 #18 PuddleMonkey said: Yikes, we all would have been PWNED! Click to expand... tru but i got screwed out the tcu game cause the field goal kicker missed 2 fgs in the last 5 mins .. so it more then evened out
PuddleMonkey said: Yikes, we all would have been PWNED! Click to expand... tru but i got screwed out the tcu game cause the field goal kicker missed 2 fgs in the last 5 mins .. so it more then evened out