how long have you been on that diet?
a lot of times these diets are done on the weekends only, or guys have cheat meals. its not about diet anyway, its about lifestyle.. diets don't work, changing your lifestyle does.
you need to set some realistic goals. you won't be looking like a stud by summer.. it can take years to build a nice body, not overnight .. many of us on here have been at this game for over a decade and we still aren't close to where we would like to be.
I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but, you are right. I have only, over the past ten days, dedicated my
lifestyle to reach my goals. No late nights. Cardio 5x week, strength training 3x week, and I am a diet fanatic, I keep it very strict, and maybe break it once a week to munch on more carbs than usual. I actually heard that taking a "
carb holiday" (i.e. once every 7-10 days eating as much carbs as you want)for those on carb restricted diets is beneficial and actually helps you loose more weight. You keep the insulin receptors from
Up Regulating as a result of Low and infrequent insulin secretion. Up regulating obviously would be detrimental to dieting... Of course one could postulate that the mechanism there is one of an overarching biological truth: The body rapidly adapts to any constant stimuli(homeostasis), resulting in diminishing returns and sometimes actions directly contrary to your goal (such as the body will Down Regulate and desensitize any receptors that are being supra-physiologically manipulated.)This is why constantly changing your workout regime will give you better results. That is how Insulin Resistance and eventually diabetes forms in the constant presence of high levels of exogenous glucose(thus lots of insulin) over a very very long period of time. The receptor cells say "Hey, wow, is there a lot insulin or what? Well, there is too much so lets close down these receptors here"..and eventually there is not enough to handle large influxes of insulin leading to insulin resistance.
But I am taking your and others advise, and will totally focus on diet and exercise as a lifestyle. I already cut down my occasional weed smoking to once a week at best because it did not fit into my new and evolving lifestyle.
Thank you for your time and advice. I will let ya all know...I have pics from 2 weeks ago pre-everything. Lets see how they change by April. Do you also recommend SARMS? You don't think the HGH is bad, no?