how many times a week do you suggest doing cardio? And i was wondering if you think this wuold be good for food to eat through the day
6:30--3 egg whites, one yolk
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 slice of wheat bread
9:00- Turkey sandwich (2 pieces of wheat bread, three slices of turkey)
two servings of cheese (do you only suggest cottage? or any other kind work or what)
1:00- 1 cup of tuna
1 tuna sandwich (wheat bread again)
some veggies, usually carrots
3:30- Little drink with 15 g protein
(need somethin else to eat here)
7:00-1 chicken breast
skim milk mixed in at breakfast and dinner, water everywhere else
I know theres a hell of a lotta bread in there, and i could take out a piece or two, but about 2 slices i hafta have cause my school only sells tuna sandwiches. I also dont feel that eating a yogurt right before bed is good, so plz suggest the best time to, or tell me if im wrong. Feel free to change anything and gimme suggestions, im all ears, or eyes i guess