I'm on way way out the door, so sorry if I don't cover all your Qs. I'm sure someone else here can do that today before I get home
First, I would stick with your 10 week cycle as originally planned. Longer is NOT better. Which is the sister statement to MORE is not better.
10 weeks is a good time amount of time to diet hard, train hard and see results. After 10 weeks, evaluate where you are and where you want to go next. Take a break off AAS, let your body get back to "normal" (hormone wise) then hit is hard again. Even for women, time on should equal time off.
Second, I am not sure anyone can tell you exactly how long it took them to see results, etc - because every drug, every body is different. Again, it also can depend on genetics, experiences, training and diet. Most (here) have never taken Primo - it isn't the easiest to find, is often expensive, and is often faked. It is hard to compare experiences with different drugs. Look at your body - you say you already see resutls...GREAT. Don't worry about others. Now you are taking it....worry about how the drug is affecting YOU and change things based of that, not off others.
Third, it is unlikely you will be satisfied after your first cycle. You might be pleased with the results, but now the bar has raised. After this, you will likely expect more of yourself. If you add 5 lbs muscle and get leaner....you'll be pelased but stil l want more. That is the problem with AAS - it can often make you satified with your gains....but then demand MORE and MORE and MORE. With every gain, you set the bar higher and higher. It is hard to stify, especially when you get closer to your goals.
That said, I am glad you are here. Your experiences are very welcome and I am glad you are sharing them. We all learn from each other - Elite has a wealth of knowledge to share (if sometimes you have to wade through the s*it, lol). Keep posting!