Hello to all.
Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for the kind words you had for me. I especially want to thank PowerlifterJay for inviting me and putting up with my stupid ass while I tried to get on this site.
Following is some of the information you all asked for. My best bench in competition is 700lbs even. I did it at the Metal Militia bench wars back in April. I came in second behind Dan Kovacs. He hit 725. Man, it sucks hitting 700 for your first time and coming in second. Even worse was that my 700 was a world record for about 5 minutes before Dan took it. Mr. Kennelley took my other world record. I hit a 655 in the APA then Ryan crushed it with his 780. Talk about an ego breaker. I really hope to see him lift someday. Glen Chabot who is one of my training partners has long said Ryan is the real deal.
I am 5'8" tall on a good day and weigh around 285lbs. right now. I plan on coming in over 300 lbs. for my next meet in September. I was hoping that would be the Bench Bash, but I asked to get in personally and by email yet nobody has ever gotten back to me. So, at this point I believe I will be doing Jamie Harris' meet in PA.
I train Metal Militia style. That is, I bench raw once a week and use the shirt once a week. Since training with Bill Crawford my bench has gone up over 145lbs. in one year. I am a big believer in nutrition and supplementation although you would never believe it from seeing me. Another key to my training is recuperation. I rest a lot, do ice, get PT and deep tissue massage.
Lastly, I compete using a Karin Klein double denim. I am a huge fan of her equipment. If anyone plans on getting some equipment from her shoot me an email so I can help out in whatever way possible as she is a sponsor of mine. If you end up speaking with her please mention my name, it would really help me out.
Now that I have bored you all to tears, I look forward to sharing information with all of you as well as learning some new things.