First off, I'm new here so I'll do a little intro - if you're not interested skip to the second paragraph. My name's Shane, I'm 42 and my fitness experience is limited to having done the Body for Life challenge in 2001 (lost 20 lbs of fat, gained 10 lbs of muscle), working out for a year after that, and a whole lot of reading. A short while after that I hit a rough patch in my life and stopped working out. I'm Type II Bipolar, have Asperger's Syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, ADHD, severe depression and I'm often quite suicidal. Over time my physical health deteriorated to the point that I'm in the worst shape of my life. And it certainly didn't help that I was put on medication last fall that caused me to gain 20 lbs in 2 months. I'm the heaviest I've ever been, but I'm off that evil med now. As if all that wasn't bad enough I also have a permanent spinal injury - 2 blown disks for which I had to have surgery and degenerative disk disease - that limits the type of exercises I can do. Point is, I have to overcome a lot of challenges. Not looking for sympathy, just stating the facts.
Ok, with that out of the way I can get to my routine and ask some questions and ask for feedback. In a nutshell, it's a split routine: upper body, and legs/core. Each body part gets 5 sets (except for core; i'm doing the beginner core routine found on this site), the first a warm-up and the next 4 with the same weight till the last set is done to failure within the rep range. Last time I did this I did a rep range of 8-12. Basically, I'd start with a weight that on the last set I would fail on the 8th rep. Every time I did this body part I used the same weight and tried to get one or two more reps on that last 5th set, to failure. When I reached 12 reps I would up the weight so that I was again failing on the last set at 8 reps. The workout cycles every two weeks like so: Su- HIT cardio, M-upper body, T-HIT cardio, W-lower body, Th-HIT cardio, F-upper body, Su-HIT cardio, M-lower body, T-HIT cardio, W-upper body, Th-HIT cardio, F-lower body. There's a name for this type of training, but I forget what it's called.
FIRST QUESTION: my primary goal is to lose body fat, and I've got my diet down for the most part, but I want to build as much muscle as possible as well. With that in mind, is a rep range of 8-12 ideal or should I be doing less reps with more weight, like 6-10?
Next are the exercises themselves. As I mentioned, I have a spinal injury (see above) and coupled with a very weak core I can't do any sort of exercise that puts a load on my spine. Squats are out, deadlifts of any kind are out, back exercises where I have to lean over are out, and I'm not supposed to work my hams directly because if they got any stronger/tighter (in relation to my abs) they would pull on my hips in such a way that would put dangerous pressure on my lower spine. In the past I've had to rely on leg presses to indirectly work my hams.
Here's the workout. Note, I do most exercises on Hammer machines as my core is too weak to handle free weights at this point. I've already hurt myself using dumbells and had to take some time off.
Upper Body
Hammer Chest Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Hammer Back Row 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Hammer Delt Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Barbell Curls 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Tricep Cable Extensions 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Lower Body
Leg Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Leg Extension 2 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Beginner Core Routine (found in the sticky of this sub-forum)
SECOND QUESTION: Is 5 sets (given that the first set is a warm up) enough, too much, or too little? I'll have 4 days of rest between working each body part.
If you got this far thanks for reading this long ass post. If you answered with advice thanks even more
Ok, with that out of the way I can get to my routine and ask some questions and ask for feedback. In a nutshell, it's a split routine: upper body, and legs/core. Each body part gets 5 sets (except for core; i'm doing the beginner core routine found on this site), the first a warm-up and the next 4 with the same weight till the last set is done to failure within the rep range. Last time I did this I did a rep range of 8-12. Basically, I'd start with a weight that on the last set I would fail on the 8th rep. Every time I did this body part I used the same weight and tried to get one or two more reps on that last 5th set, to failure. When I reached 12 reps I would up the weight so that I was again failing on the last set at 8 reps. The workout cycles every two weeks like so: Su- HIT cardio, M-upper body, T-HIT cardio, W-lower body, Th-HIT cardio, F-upper body, Su-HIT cardio, M-lower body, T-HIT cardio, W-upper body, Th-HIT cardio, F-lower body. There's a name for this type of training, but I forget what it's called.
FIRST QUESTION: my primary goal is to lose body fat, and I've got my diet down for the most part, but I want to build as much muscle as possible as well. With that in mind, is a rep range of 8-12 ideal or should I be doing less reps with more weight, like 6-10?
Next are the exercises themselves. As I mentioned, I have a spinal injury (see above) and coupled with a very weak core I can't do any sort of exercise that puts a load on my spine. Squats are out, deadlifts of any kind are out, back exercises where I have to lean over are out, and I'm not supposed to work my hams directly because if they got any stronger/tighter (in relation to my abs) they would pull on my hips in such a way that would put dangerous pressure on my lower spine. In the past I've had to rely on leg presses to indirectly work my hams.
Here's the workout. Note, I do most exercises on Hammer machines as my core is too weak to handle free weights at this point. I've already hurt myself using dumbells and had to take some time off.
Upper Body
Hammer Chest Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Hammer Back Row 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Hammer Delt Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Barbell Curls 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Tricep Cable Extensions 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Lower Body
Leg Press 5 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Leg Extension 2 sets @ 8-12 reps, last set to failure.
Beginner Core Routine (found in the sticky of this sub-forum)
SECOND QUESTION: Is 5 sets (given that the first set is a warm up) enough, too much, or too little? I'll have 4 days of rest between working each body part.
If you got this far thanks for reading this long ass post. If you answered with advice thanks even more