Your friend has given you some inappropriate advice there. If we calculate the dosages, by taking 0.5 ml EOD you would be getting 150 mgs of testosterone, 150 mgs of EQ, and 150 mgs of winny per week. These are quite low dosages. Besides, you should not be taking winny for more than 8 weeks because it is liver toxic. However, these 8 weeks are way too few for EQ.
When it comes to steroids, remember the KISS rule - Keep it simple stupid.
Just use sustanon for 12-14 weeks with aromasin all along. 500 mgs of sustanon per week and 10 mgs of aromasin ED is the optimal way of doing things. Pay a lot of attention to PCT, since it will determine how much of the gains you will be able to keep, and how easily you will recover.
I agree ..