To be perfectly honest I am going to let you guys in on my trade mark secrets..Turn off your computer and or look away if you have a weak mind/stomach.. No it will not make you last longer directly. this is not one of the effects of this drug. Here is how you can use it to do so though.. as well as other uses for it..
1. First how to use it to make you last longer. Well it is not going to do this directly but it will allow you to Nutt and then have sex again within 20 mins or even less. With no less stiffness and pleasure to the both of you then the first time..
Now Armed with this little peace of knowledge you can do one of two things with it. 1 you can just bang her twice some times 3 times in a row. 2. Or you can do my favorite trick of all. When you know for a fact you going to be getting some and you can time it perfectly Ie exactly a half hour no less then 20 mins beforehand. You say " Ya I need to use the rest room. Pretend you are dropping a duce and rub one out real quick.. Hell I can get hard again within 10 mins some times less my self. Now the second time ALWAYS last way way longer then the first time especially when it is that close to the first time..
So yes in a way you can use this drug to last longer.. BWahahahaaaaaa
2. There be some things out there that can make your head feel funny but your dick go numb to the point of not working... Ya not so when taking this stuff.
3.Now that I am divorced i have had at least 4-5 times when I had 2 or more girls in bed with me at the same time. You want to do this kind of thing you Damn well better be taking this stuff. I know I was and Trust me they wont forget it ether lmao...
All I can say is chemicalneed's cialis with unleashed, post cycle double dosed is straight up insane. I to recently came off cycle and got a new gf and she is very very pleased with the results haha. I can't even touch her without having an "issue" if you wanna call it that.
wait a minute now... WTF is wrong with this? I mean seriously???? If I brought someone home and was getting ready to do the nasty and they went in the bathroom to drop a duece - pretend or not - I would be pushing their clothes under the door and telling them to get dressed and leave out the window. Fuck that shit. (not literally)
wait a minute now... WTF is wrong with this? I mean seriously???? If I brought someone home and was getting ready to do the nasty and they went in the bathroom to drop a duece - pretend or not - I would be pushing their clothes under the door and telling them to get dressed and leave out the window. Fuck that shit. (not literally)