Angel said:
Seems to me like you need to move on.Find some one new, she obviously is not worth your time! Tell her to go screw. You are just her little play toy on a string.She pulls you in when she wants some thing from you yet she tosses you aside when she does not find need for you. Tell her to take a hike, or continue sitting around getting used and burned. Your choice
Good call, here. Sounds like she's using you to boost her own ego. She knows you want her and it makes her feel good about herself that she has this control over you. If she REALLY wanted to go to bed with you, it would have happened by now.
And your making too much of it to begin with. Decide whether or not you want it to happen or not, then make your move either way. All this contemplating "whether or not I should" is typical "nice guy" thinking, and your not going to be getting any action thinking like that. Shit or get off the pot, dude! Quit wasting your time trying to figure out whether or not you should go for it and just do it, or not.
And I hate to break this to you, but you ARE in the "just friends" zone. As long as you keep thinking the way you do, you will be seen as "just friends". Like I said, get out of that "nice guy" thinking mode and take some action! Either go for her, or cast her aside and go after someone else. Don't waste too much time on one woman.
How do I know that your in the "just friends" zone? Because she sees you as a "nice guy" type, which it seems to me that you are. And typically women tend to see the "nice guy" type as "just friends". How do I know that she sees you as the "nice guy" type? That one is easy. She obviously knows you find her attractive, but women know that if someone who finds them attractive doesn't make a move right away they will categorize you as a "nice guy" because you don't have the guts/confidence to simply just make a move on her. Instead, you tend to hang around hoping some magic moment will happen between you two and it will all just fall into place.
So grow a sack and make a decision whether or not and then do it. Contemplating the ifs and wondering whether or not you should is just going to leave you frustrated and wasting time that you could be out hittin' it, with her or someone else.