my girlfriend needs me to set up a training program for her, i know how to train myself so should a female train any differently?
she has been lifting for close to 2 years and in my eyes has a beautiful figure, she is 5'6" 125 @ 10.5-11% bf. should i have her use the same routine for me or something completely different. I train 5 days/week broken down too, chest--legs--back and bi's--shoulders and tri's--calves and forearms. she is a studying to become a pharmacist and thinks AAS are the devil and would kill me if she found out that i use. her main goal are to lose weight in the back of her legs, she played feild hockey up untill this year in college and has always been fit with a good diet. would clen be a good supplement for her, or will it fuck things up on the inside? thanks for the help,
she has been lifting for close to 2 years and in my eyes has a beautiful figure, she is 5'6" 125 @ 10.5-11% bf. should i have her use the same routine for me or something completely different. I train 5 days/week broken down too, chest--legs--back and bi's--shoulders and tri's--calves and forearms. she is a studying to become a pharmacist and thinks AAS are the devil and would kill me if she found out that i use. her main goal are to lose weight in the back of her legs, she played feild hockey up untill this year in college and has always been fit with a good diet. would clen be a good supplement for her, or will it fuck things up on the inside? thanks for the help,