New member
gonelifting said:I hope you`re joking. I get DAILY cramps! Should I take the midol BEFORE THE CRAMP? or after, when I`m on the floor rubbing the shit outa my muscle due to the unbearable pain? How do I avoid the damn cramps?
you'll have to post on the women's forum to find out exactly when to take the midol and the correct temperature of the water bottle. i'd ask my girlfriend, but like i said above, all i have to do it tell her to take a midol and get a hot water bottle and her cramps seem to go away instantly.
gonelifting said:You are a person that would build a huge hospital at the end of a dangerous curvey faulty built road. FIX THE DAMN ROAD!.
hey, gotta make money some how.
gonelifting said:You`re on ignore. That`s it!
no i'm not.
gonelifting said:Have some RED too.
red means love.
gonelifting said:Actually since you`re the only one who answered my question, you`re a good bro.
not only am i a good bro for answering your question, but i'm also a good bro because i have you in my signature cubed.
no i don't.