New member
Hello everyone. I am 37 years old - 6'4" - 280 pounds. I haven't lifted hard since College which was many moons ago, but very excited to get back into it. I would like advice on the best way to lose weight, like the proper foods to eat, exercises, any programs or daily routines for a guy my size that will work. I would also like to get a nice looking body. I don't have to look like a top notch body builder, but I would like to have that kind of body where I would like to take my shirt off everytime I get a chance. I have no problem taking steroids, supplements or whatever is needed to achieve this. I just don't know what I should take or what type of cycle or anything. I need help or a mentor to point me to the right direction. I don't want to break the boards rules, so if by chance I did I apologize, but any help or advice is appreciated.