Someone once told me before you take anything read everything. If you are not willing to self educate then consider hiring a personal trainer. Both my wife and I have and learned much from each experience. I have been researching what supplements can and cannot do for maybe 12 years now so while I am not an expert I have had some first hand experience like many on here. Everyone reacts differently to diet and training based on various factors like age and genetics. I tell people training is the easy part. You can pretty much go to the gym and just look around and see what people are doing. Diet is what you cannot see. Bottom line there is that it is extremely difficult to follow the correct diet. Meal prep (that is making a bunch of meals in advance is what most find necessary since stopping what you are doing 4-6 times or more a day will get old very very fast. I thought I was eating right until I came down with an irritable bowel decease and had to really commit to a diet. I now cook once a week for 80 % of my meals. That is only part of the battle. Eating is the other. I find I have to force myself to eat. Some do better at this than others. They probably make more progress. Until you get the diet down (assuming you are smart enough to figure out how to lift things up and put them down) you will probably just be wasting money on any supplements legal or not. I remember taking some of my first advice about supplements from a guy at the gym. I look back on what he recommended and it was a joke. There are plenty of forums out there. If you read enough eventually you will understand enough to ask intelligent questions. If you expect others to spoon feed you it probably will not happen or they will give you expert opinion that will likely not be correct. Bottom line is that if you really want to make progress you really need to commit. It will affect every aspect of your life. Work, family recreation, all of them will be impacted if you want to get serious. If you talk to enough people that have clearly made progress you will find that their life revolves around their commitment. Good or bad, you decided. I will throw out their this one simple tip for now. I download the sound tracks to bodybuilding motivational videos off Utube and listen to them at the gym while I work out.