Customs has alot better things to do than just search for steroids and i hate to break it to you people, BUT THEY GET EVERYTHING DONE! Thousands upon thousands of packages move through kennedy every day and not many explosives or chemical bombs are blowing up randomly in our country everyday are they? Searching for illegal things is the job of our customs agents, they are not singling out steriods in any way, that video showed a 14x14 area of packages that were supposed tp be searched for anabolics. To me that doesnt seem like much when that customs building is probably 50,000 sqft or more... I mean dont get me wrong , it sucks they are onto the fact that people are getting their Juice online and having it shipped from overseas, but thats just something you have to deal with when you put information out on the internet and let it just fly around so that who ever wants to grab that information can.
Overall im glad Customs does what they do , and they do a good fuckin job at it, And if they have to take some peoples Juice while trying to keep me and my family safe along with you and all your familys safe from the fuckin low lifes of the world then so be it... Start ordering your juice Domestic and keep America's money in America if your worried about things being seized from overseas..