What do you all think of the book Natural Hormonal Enhancement written by Rob Faigin... I am curious because I just ordered a copy of the book from www.bodybuilding.com and I am wondering if it was worth the 35 bucks or not?
Why do you think that I will regret spending the money?.. from every single person that owns a copy practically everyone said it was the best book they ever read.
dont listen to diamond dice clay, i have a certification
through issa ace and a nutritional degree. So yes im a personal
trainer for about 5 years now and ill tell you that book is the most informative accurate piece of literature that i have ever read. i have changed numerous lives cause of it.....including my own.
so any one who buys into the bullshit and propaganda put out by the various mags out there needs to wake up and realize youve been lied to by people that dont give a rats ass about you getting in shape....just how deep youre pocket is.
it is easier to believe a falsehood that has been repeated a thousand times than a truth that is said for the first time.........
Yeah I have heard you say some good things about it thats one of the main reasons that I decided to purchase it. Didnt you say something like following the info training/diet tips you gained like 20-30 pounds or something?
Have you followed the fat-loss diet? Because currently I am following Bill Phillip's High-Lo carb diet and seeing pretty good results with that.