Damn bro, you look good. Nice tan too! Back in the day when I first started training I looked a lot like you, but over the years I've been able to pack on lean muscle and still maintain the ripped look. It's a bitch to eat good foods all the time like you mentioned, I know, and your diet proves it. Hell, to stick to a diet like that is really hard, I know because I have cheat days like you as well! Although they are more often
I cant say that I agree with you about downing 2-3 protein shakes a day. I stay away from supplements like those. In my opinion, they bloat you, even the low-carb shakes. And besides, no matter how good a protein shake tastes, I always get sick of them within a few weeks.
Looking good my man! You're almost catching up to me

Just work on packing on more muscle to give yourself a fuller look. You definitely have the lean frame that most people strive for, that's for sure. Hell, I'd say you look better than 90% of the people on this site!
PS: Did'nt you post a pic of Ronnie and you a few weeks ago? I think that was you.