Hey all this is my first post so ill give a few stats:
My name is Michael im 27 years old been on and off training for a good 7 years now. I weigh 78kgs and 5"8. Not sure exact bf% atm but it would be at about 14-16%. Im looking for a good lean mass stack with very minium sides. Im currently doing a Mad cows workout routine with a few add to thicken up. This is the cycle i plan to run which i have did alot of research on the forums about. Please critique and review as i want the best for myself and body.
1-6 helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
1-6 Katanadrol 4 caps ED
1-6 n2guard 7 caps ED
1-6 HCGenerate 5 caps ED
3-10 forma stanzol
1-10 need2slin
Clomid 25/25/25
Forged post cycle
Daa power chews
Osta 25mg ed
Thanks all.
My name is Michael im 27 years old been on and off training for a good 7 years now. I weigh 78kgs and 5"8. Not sure exact bf% atm but it would be at about 14-16%. Im looking for a good lean mass stack with very minium sides. Im currently doing a Mad cows workout routine with a few add to thicken up. This is the cycle i plan to run which i have did alot of research on the forums about. Please critique and review as i want the best for myself and body.
1-6 helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
1-6 Katanadrol 4 caps ED
1-6 n2guard 7 caps ED
1-6 HCGenerate 5 caps ED
3-10 forma stanzol
1-10 need2slin
Clomid 25/25/25
Forged post cycle
Daa power chews
Osta 25mg ed
Thanks all.