I am taking higher power ephedra and caffine, well about 5hours after i take it, i get extreamly tired, i mean i could just close my eays and be out, anyone else get real tired after you take a stack?
same here all day i am just wound up but later in the evening after my last dose(3 or 4 pm) i get tired. i like to think it is perfect timing so i can actually get some decnt ZZZZZZZZZZ"s
I used to get that way when I took Hydroxicut. It was nice actually. I had great energy all day, then would be able to fall asleep in about 5 minutes. Then they got rid of the ephedra in it, so I have taken Thermorexin and a few others and I can't sleep worth a crap. I need my ephedra. I have noticed that a lot of people buy ephedra in a pur form. Is that what you all do?
I get kind of addicted to stimulates and this has happened to me before, ephedrines effects arent as great. This is probably due to a saturation of the adrenal glands, and when they are saturated it takes more to stimulate them. Ever notice how when you come off ephedrine there are about 2-3 days where you just feel completely out of it?
This is just my two-cents, it should certainly not be taken as medical advice.
thats why i feel it would be optimal to use ephedrine for no more 2 months at a time then give your body a break as well as your adrenal glands. During the off break from E, u can throw in some yohimbine and use that for awhile
I am planning to use ephedrine HCL, caffeine, and yohimburn when I cut, but what I was wondering is how much caffeine does the yohimburn have in it? Should I take 200mg of caffeine as well as the yohimburn or is this too much caffeine.