Think about why you want to drop 2%. Do you want to drop 2% just to say that you are 16% or because you want to look 2% leaner? Forget numbers...know what YOU want.
B Fold:
I'm just concerned about when it comes time to cut... If I'm 18.7% BF 1 month into bulking.. what am I going to be once 3 months rolls around. I don't mind gaining body fat... but I don't want to get to the point where I feel uncomfortable, not with numbers that don't mean anything but with my appearance and the way I feel moving around all day. I am noticeably more slugish already.. but I figure thats because I have completely eliminated cardio..
I'm really undecided on the post workout walking... because I started eating like this to pack on some more muscle... and if walking is going to limit my growth then fuck it... I just don't want to get so fat that its impossible for me to cut up when february rolls around.
Secondly I don't have a lot of faith in the readings on the Body Fat scale. I"ve been taking creatine for more than a month and I'm sure I'm retaining a significant amount of water.... By my estimates, I'd assume I'm between 14-16% BF
Thirdly I wouldn't want to be 16% so I can say that I'm 16%... In my eyes that is still quite a hgih % of BF for my own tastes... I don't prance around telling everybody my BF levels I'm bulking to maximize my potential to build muscle naturally. If I have to sit at 16-18% for a few months in order to do that, I'll live.. I just don't want to be walking around being 25% BF .... If my body was 1/4 fat I would probably be pretty depressed.