New member
Hello EliteFitness people 
I've been reading this forum for a while, your posts are great and help a ton in everything. But I'm not trying to waste your time, so let's great straight to point.
My 1st Cycle: Test-E and I don't know what else my friend shot me with. I started at 164, went all the way up to 187 in just 20 days. But just one dance night out, and I lost 6 pounds, after that my friend got injured and cycle ended. No PCT. Libido problems for 4 weeks after. (Feb 2015)
My 2nd Cycle: (w/ a better friend lol) Test P Alone: Shit got real, got me a nice physique and big shoulders but ALOT of sweating and a bit loss of appetite. At first I started hating it because I was trying to gain and get to 200 pounds, but this would just not let me go past the 180s, got me cut though. No PCT. But the shocking thing was no libido problems, and my balls came back up quick. No problems even for a day. (Jul 2015)
Last 3 Months: I decided to wait and learn from my body, my appetite. My strength has gone up, I kept my diet as if I was still on cycle, 4200 clean cals. I got better at everything. Thing is I think if you don't do PCT, test remains in the body and is slowly still helping you while off.
BUT NOW, I'm Ready for my 3rd and Last Cycle (Reason I say last, because I know this shit is not a joke, and I want to remain healthy, and just get a body and then I can maintain it. Maybe in future for some special circumstance. Also I like to keep my cycles very short, like 30 days only, but next one I am going for 60-90 days. Now before we talk about my 3rd cycle, let's look at my stats.
23 | 6 FT | 174 Pounds (Should be 180, but I've been doing a lot of core n cardio lately, to test and see if I can get a full blown 6-pack, and I can't believe it my body started to show great results.
Goals: I'm doing this to possibly attempt to become a model. I recently had a meeting with modeling consultant and they went over my entire face and body, and told me everything I needed. Nose job, 6-pack, and they said I need not go for 200 pounds, 175-180 is the ideal weight. But the thing is I don't want 180, I want 200, but I'm a close observer and when I was on Prop and after when I got more cut, I realized that my body is just refusing to go past the 180s.. so now I want a more realistic, super cut goal of 190.
Goal Summary: Super Cut 190 pounds w/ 6-Pack and Arms need to still give the buff guy impression.
Based on my research this is the best cycle I've come up with:
Test P + Masteron + Tren
Now here's the thing, as stated above, I like very short cycles, so I can fuk up my body real quick, make gains, and let the roids go. But I understand that sometimes it takes longer than 30 days, so I have created a spill over effect of 30 - 60 - 90 days. Now you guys scared the shiz out of me when reading about Tren, but because so many of you said its the best, I want to do it too lol. So I am thinking the following:
Safe Cycle: Test P + Masteron (30 Days First, if not satisfied with results 60 days. Then at the very end, Days 60-90 take small dosages of Tren to give the body an ultimate finish.)
Dangerous Cycle: (Altogether?)
Or just don't fuc with Tren?
Also in my theory I think Test stuff doesn't hurt libido, but everything else especially these cutters do. I hate winnie, my close friend took it and had a lot of problems with libido, lost his gf and his fb lol, but he's fine now.
-1 Whole Roasted Chicken (Skinless)
-8 Egg Whites (Do I need to up this to 16, and is the increase a must?)
-1 Regular Skippy Peanut Butter Jar in 2 Shakes with Bananas and Milk
-Optimum Nutrition ProComplex Mass Gainer (60 gr) (Should I do away with Mass Gainers, or keep it around for 1st 30 days?)
-Labrada Lean Protein (80gr)
-1 Large plate of White Rice w/ Lentil Soup (I hate brown rice
Decent enough for 6-Pack and big arms? Total comes to around 4K calories. If in your guys opinion I need more, is it ok if I add 1 chipotle bowl everyday?
6.30 AM: Light Legs, Core + Abs, and lil bit of Strength Building
Middle of the Day: 300 Pushups (Diamonds, 1 Legged, Fly Pushups, etc I include them all)
8PM: Heavy, complete fuc the weights up!
I even quit my job for this guys, so when I am saying I need your help, I'm begging you to tell me exactly how to structure my life for next 90 days. I'm trying to create something amazing. Do you guys think this is perfect combination for 6-pack and big arms.
Thank you so much for reading.

I've been reading this forum for a while, your posts are great and help a ton in everything. But I'm not trying to waste your time, so let's great straight to point.
My 1st Cycle: Test-E and I don't know what else my friend shot me with. I started at 164, went all the way up to 187 in just 20 days. But just one dance night out, and I lost 6 pounds, after that my friend got injured and cycle ended. No PCT. Libido problems for 4 weeks after. (Feb 2015)
My 2nd Cycle: (w/ a better friend lol) Test P Alone: Shit got real, got me a nice physique and big shoulders but ALOT of sweating and a bit loss of appetite. At first I started hating it because I was trying to gain and get to 200 pounds, but this would just not let me go past the 180s, got me cut though. No PCT. But the shocking thing was no libido problems, and my balls came back up quick. No problems even for a day. (Jul 2015)
Last 3 Months: I decided to wait and learn from my body, my appetite. My strength has gone up, I kept my diet as if I was still on cycle, 4200 clean cals. I got better at everything. Thing is I think if you don't do PCT, test remains in the body and is slowly still helping you while off.
BUT NOW, I'm Ready for my 3rd and Last Cycle (Reason I say last, because I know this shit is not a joke, and I want to remain healthy, and just get a body and then I can maintain it. Maybe in future for some special circumstance. Also I like to keep my cycles very short, like 30 days only, but next one I am going for 60-90 days. Now before we talk about my 3rd cycle, let's look at my stats.
23 | 6 FT | 174 Pounds (Should be 180, but I've been doing a lot of core n cardio lately, to test and see if I can get a full blown 6-pack, and I can't believe it my body started to show great results.
Goals: I'm doing this to possibly attempt to become a model. I recently had a meeting with modeling consultant and they went over my entire face and body, and told me everything I needed. Nose job, 6-pack, and they said I need not go for 200 pounds, 175-180 is the ideal weight. But the thing is I don't want 180, I want 200, but I'm a close observer and when I was on Prop and after when I got more cut, I realized that my body is just refusing to go past the 180s.. so now I want a more realistic, super cut goal of 190.
Goal Summary: Super Cut 190 pounds w/ 6-Pack and Arms need to still give the buff guy impression.
Based on my research this is the best cycle I've come up with:
Test P + Masteron + Tren
Now here's the thing, as stated above, I like very short cycles, so I can fuk up my body real quick, make gains, and let the roids go. But I understand that sometimes it takes longer than 30 days, so I have created a spill over effect of 30 - 60 - 90 days. Now you guys scared the shiz out of me when reading about Tren, but because so many of you said its the best, I want to do it too lol. So I am thinking the following:
Safe Cycle: Test P + Masteron (30 Days First, if not satisfied with results 60 days. Then at the very end, Days 60-90 take small dosages of Tren to give the body an ultimate finish.)
Dangerous Cycle: (Altogether?)
Or just don't fuc with Tren?
Also in my theory I think Test stuff doesn't hurt libido, but everything else especially these cutters do. I hate winnie, my close friend took it and had a lot of problems with libido, lost his gf and his fb lol, but he's fine now.
-1 Whole Roasted Chicken (Skinless)
-8 Egg Whites (Do I need to up this to 16, and is the increase a must?)
-1 Regular Skippy Peanut Butter Jar in 2 Shakes with Bananas and Milk
-Optimum Nutrition ProComplex Mass Gainer (60 gr) (Should I do away with Mass Gainers, or keep it around for 1st 30 days?)
-Labrada Lean Protein (80gr)
-1 Large plate of White Rice w/ Lentil Soup (I hate brown rice

Decent enough for 6-Pack and big arms? Total comes to around 4K calories. If in your guys opinion I need more, is it ok if I add 1 chipotle bowl everyday?
6.30 AM: Light Legs, Core + Abs, and lil bit of Strength Building
Middle of the Day: 300 Pushups (Diamonds, 1 Legged, Fly Pushups, etc I include them all)
8PM: Heavy, complete fuc the weights up!
I even quit my job for this guys, so when I am saying I need your help, I'm begging you to tell me exactly how to structure my life for next 90 days. I'm trying to create something amazing. Do you guys think this is perfect combination for 6-pack and big arms.
Thank you so much for reading.