Days 35-42 (1 week...damn!)
Well, I fell off the wagon this week with my logging...seems to happen with me when I have so many things going on at once. The last time I posted I put up some photos and my weight which I am still currently
220, still wanting to drop down to 210-215 by June (prior to our family camping trip where I won't be training for a week) so I have a lot of work to do. Today is Mom's Day, have to take the little one by mom's and go have lunch with the wife as she has to work today. So back to my progress.
There has been a change in my program a bit...I wasn't going to post this up but what the hell at this point, nothing to loose except some gyno

. Yes, I have started up with needto's Gyno Removal Program to try and get rid of some pre-existing gyno fro years ago...very touchy subject, it has bothered me for years, and seeing if I can get rid of it using Letro & Prami (currently on week #3, yes I started this a while back, just didn't want to bring it up) and am following needto's direction right now. I am currently taking 1.25 mg of Letro ED & .25 Prami ED (before bed). The lumps seem to be getting softer, and I think a little smaller, but hard to tell. We will just keep going until I can get rid of it. Talk about something that can really affect you emotionally...probably why I haven't been posting as much as I should on here, it just bothers me and it doesn't really matter that I am making progress with my SARMs and getting leaner...this crap is still there and only isn't that noticeable when my chest is pumped up...which is why I also am doing at least 100-150 push-ups a day to keep my chest pumped so I don't see this shit! Anyway, the underlying issue and one of the reasons why I am so PRO PCT with everybody I am helping now, even on cycle support supplements that are important to utilize to minimize shutdown and assist in recovery during PCT. There, it is out in the open and now I can move forward with this...I just hope I don't have to go through this and still go under the knife in the end...not only is it not affordable for me at this time, but just humiliating to say the least...but was my stupidity in the past before I discovered this forum and others where I could have educated myself instead of listening to the idiots at my old gym.
To update on the visions sides I was experiencing with the S-4, last week I had to switch to the 5 on/2 off dosing due to extreme vision sides, so I have been dosing 60 mg on my ON days and it has been fine. I don't get the sides until around Friday when I go onto my 2 OFF days (like the other night everything was yellow again, but by the time Sunday came around it was all back to normal. So I will finish off the 8 weeks of S-4 like this and continue with MK-2866 Osta for 2-4 more weeks after that, unless needto has me doing something different with the program.
Well, I did my workouts this week, so I may as well get to those since it is a lot to put down:
Sunday (Day 35): OFF
Monday (Day 36): Back/Traps
Close Grip Pulldown: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/15/12/10/8) reps), 120/140/180/200/220 lbs
Hammer Strength Seated Rows: 4 sets (10/10/8/8), 180/270/360/360 lbs
T-bar Rows: 4 sets (10 reps), 135/180/225/270 lbs -(3/4/5/6 45 lb. plates)
Wide Grip Pulldowns: 4 sets (10), 150/180/210/220 lbs
DB Shrugs: 4 sets (10/10/8/8), 120/130/140/150 lbs
Hammer Strength Shrugs: 4 sets (10), 315/405/450/450
50 min cardio on treadmill 4.0 @ 8%
Tuesday (Day 37): Legs
Back Squats: 6 sets, (20/12/10/8/6/6), 135/225/315/405/455/475
Trap Bar Dedz: 4 sets, (10 reps) 225/315/365/405 lbs
Leg Press Machine: 4 sets, (12 reps), STACKED IT 525 lbs
Extensions: 4 sets, (15 reps), 140/150/160/170 lbs
Seated Calf: 4 sets, (20/15/12/12 reps), 90/135/180/200 lbs.
One Leg Standing DB: 4 sets, (10 reps), 45/50/55/60 lbs.
Wednesday (Day 38): OFF (wasn't feeling it today, just down)
Thursday (Day 39): Chest/Cardio
Smith Machine Incline Press: 6 sets, (20/12/10/10/8/6), 90/180/230/270/290/300 lbs
Exercise Ball Low Cable Flys: 4 sets, (12/10/8/8), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Hammer Strength Flat Palms In: 4 sets, (10/10/8/6), 180/270/320/320 lbs
Dips: 4 sets, (12 reps) BW
Push-ups: (100 reps) BW
50 min cardio on treadmill 4.0 @ 6%
Friday (Day 40): Shoulders/Cardio
Smith Machine Military Press: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8 reps), 135/185/225/245/255, drop to 185 for set of 15
Kettlebell Side Laterals: 6 sets (15/12/10/10/8/8), 25/30/35/40/45/45 lbs
Kettlebell Front Raises: 4 sets (10 reps), 30/35/40/45 lbs
Pec Deck Rear Delts: 4 sets, (10 reps), 140/170/200/220 lbs
50 min cardio on treadmill 4.0 @ 6%
Saturday (Day 41): OFF (just decided to keep it 2 on/1 off for week)
I am still on IF, although took one day off it this week due to energy levels were tanked after training legs on Tuesday, so I ended up having a meal when I would normally still be fasting on Wednesday morning, but went right back to it the following day. Calories are around 1800-2200 give or take, haven't been counting, just going by experience.
I haven't gone to the gym yet today, not sure if I am going to have time with it being Mom's Day and running around, but it is still early in the day. I wanted to get this updated, and get some work done on the computer this morning before the day got away from me, which is what I am doing. I will go and do my 100 push-ups here shortly anyway, and take care of the moms...have to do that for sure.
I will hopefully be back sooner than 1 week next time lol, but I am currently
220, and am going to drop it down to 210-215 by June 11th...that is my deadline date for that...I still need to find a place to have my body-fat checked, but will do so to better see where I am at.