I have recently attempted to aquire a decent anavar cycle (unsuccessfully!), but I'm now glad I was unsuccessful. I am as big as I want to be. Some days I feel too big....for instance I can no longer rock climb at a top level (but age has a play in that too). I simply do not need the drugs to achieve any of my current goals. In fact, I am now actively 'down sizing' (sacrilege I know).
Most of all I do not believe in taking drugs that I don't need. I am here for the long haul. As such, I scrutinize everything I put in my body and ask myself daily "is this beneficial to my long term health and happiness?" It should be obvious that I will never be a world class bodybuilder if I am always putting my health first and foremost, but since I hate dieting to low bodyfat levels I think this is a good thing!
As a small matter of semantics, I did not decide to NOT juice- not juiced is the default. It takes a decicion TO juice, as well as money and connections and possible legal ramifications. For these reasons I suspect that juicing is often harder than not juicing. I don't worry about getting bogus gear, lipid or liver problems, androgenic sides, getting busted, how much to take, to taper or not, to inject or not, to tell my friends and family or not, am I losing hair or not, is my voice getting deeper, or is that just a cold coming on etc.......I just eat, sleep, train and grow.