I can honestly say I've never been even remotely interested in how many pushups I can do. I wouldn't have thought that any bodybuilders or powerlifters would be either.
I can honestly say I've never been even remotely interested in how many pushups I can do. I wouldn't have thought that any bodybuilders or powerlifters would be either.
A fun chest workout tip: When you feel "done" attempt to do as many pushups as you can..if you can do more than 5 you need to keep lifting until when you try to do pushups you cannot do 1. That is how I end my chest workouts and knowing this I never even try to be done until I know I'm thrashed because getting to the point where you cannot do 1 is tough.
For the Army PT test....you should be doing a minimum of a pushup a second for the first 60 seconds at least...............................by the end of basic.
while I was in Mui Thai training in the first week the instructor told me to do 1k push-ups. I did a legitimate 1,000 push ups.
First strict military the way I know how...then...a little less strict..then girl style...on my knee's ..then I bend my legs to keep going...then I straighten my legs and put my hands on a step to lessen the angle..then the next step...then the next step...Until I was on my knee's with my hands almost parallel to shoulders to do keep going. I did 1,000 push ups...stood up and went home....that was my work out for the day @#$% the ring lol. Legitimate solid push up 95 in my Army PTT