B-fold....God damn bro, good shi*. you definitely win unless I see someone lifting an airplane.
Toughest drill I ever did was the 7 minute drill. Basketball preseason drill. Stand on the sideline, facing the other sideline in ready running position. Be ready for hell! Coach is holding a stopwatch, yells GO!
(1) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up
(2) squat thrusts for 30 seconds 1 minute
(3) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up.
(4) mountain climbers for 30 seconds 2 minutes
(5) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up
(6) weighted jump rope for 30 seconds 3 minutes
(7) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up
(8) stepovers (two people holding a jump rope) 4 minutes
(9) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up
(10) push ups 5 minutes
(11) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up
(12) sit ups 6 minutes
(13) touch sideline to sideline 7 times before 30 seconds is up(14) drop steps (drop step dunks) 7 minutes
If any of you bro's can do this shi*, you have my ultimate cardio endurance respect. It is tougher than you think.
It has to be done with maximum effort and intensity. Good luck!!!
What is the most intense exercise you have ever done? I mean the ones that make you vomit, dizzy & gasping for air? In two categories:
1 Cardio &
2 Lifting.
Mine would be:
1 Thai pad drills, non stop round house kicks for a round
2 Farmers walk up hills!
d1 sprinter track practice
I saw some kid puke so hard is contacts popped outta his head.
first 3 weeks back every season most people were puking their faces off.
During rugby training season, we occasionally would have to have fitness trials. These basically consist of a series of timed runs, sprints, drills, pushups, sit-ups etc. It is very common for me to have had to dodge puddles of vomit around the track. Additionally, a really nasty versa-climber session will leave me dizzy and seeing stars.