That would always depend on what you regularly eat. I’ve noticed people usually don’t consume enough potassium, minimum recommended daily intake is 4.7g (4700mg). Potassium is essential for many things, I’d start there. You can find a company in amazon that sells it in bulks, Potassium citrate. Omega-3 is another. A good fish oil will do. Vitamin D3 since a lot of us don’t work under the sun as much, we tend to be deficient. (Make sure it’s not blended with soy or corn oil)
I would also recommend Vita Jym and ZMA Jym to cover all your bases on micronutrient intake. Hope that helps.
You ever seen one of those famine type videos. Some poor sod is thirsty as fuck and the voice over says 'and the well is dry'. And I'm sitting there going 'well fkin move then!'. Obviously, politics etc is involved but all too often people get stuck on stupid stuff.