cd walkman or watch the tv's at the gym to catch up on the news. It passes the time and keeps you up to date on what's going on. Try doing stairs for 30 and another machine right after for another 30 if 60 min is your goal.
Books aren't worth it for me. I find they don't stay open well so you need one hand on the book, the other on the machine, it's a nightmare for me
Yeah, I wouldn't bother with the book on any piece of equipment but a bike... unless I had a nifty holder-rack - then it works great on a stair-master. Those things are invaluable!
If your gym doesn't have one, it might be worth it to put in a request to the gym manager.
(Found some sites in case anyone is wondering what I'm talking about!)
LOL... yea shes great. ill catch her at the gym when its a slow long cardio session. when i do high intensity i cant watch the TV... i need my beats then.