1) These women are unhappy in their marriages
2) It's hard to run away on Friday and go to a bar and get laid. Husband would be suspicious.
3) If she cheats with a grown man. Divorce. Anger from husband. Shame from family members as a cheating whore slut.
4) Horny adolesecent males are a great alternative. You can have sex with them. They love it. Husband never finds out. If he does - he also wants to remain hush hush. Kinda embarrassing. Wrap it up as a 'mistake'. Marriage stays intact.
5) Kids talk. Kids brag. Some stupid fat ugly girl who's pissed at Boy who won't date her. But will bang a teacher. Runs to principle's office and snitches. I've been in the army. Women are drama queens, and will snitch in a heartbeat.
Cops come. Media vans come. Story hits America.
Father of boy is buying him beers. I would. Some of those teachers i'd hit today!