I'm not a competitor, but I have had my fair share of bitchy days when cutting. Luckily, my husband is the MOST mellow, laid back guy. I can be extremely irrational - esp when I was doing the magazine/commerical thing - I was up one minute and feeling hot, then down and feeling sloppy the next. I learned I just had to step back, tell hubby I needed some alone time, even just in another room. I always made sure to tell him that it wasn't him, I was just feeling bitchy.
If you are feeling bitchy, then it is your responsibility to take ownership of that and tell him "I am sorry, I am just in a foul mood right now." Assuming he didn't do anything - and you are just feeling cranky.
Maybe you need a "time out" - some time NOT together. GO lay down and read a book, take a nap, do some yard work, run errands, do yoga, sit in a sauna, go swimming, etc. Just do your own thing.