Alright I make my RAW day with MM include speed bench with compensatory acceleration.
A RAW day for me with MM would be:
Speed Bench - 8*3 with bands
Index finger on rings - full ROM up to 3RM
3-Board - up to 3 or 1RM
2-Board - up to 3 or 1RM
1-Board - up to 3 or 1RM
A shirt day with MM for me:
CG 2-Board - up to 3RM
(if meet coming up)Shirt work - triples to 3RM
---since I won't have another meet until September 6th, I won't do shirt work for about a month to save my shirt(Fury) and to focus more on tri strength with the high boards.---
6-Board - up to 3RM
5-Board - up to 3RM
4-Board - up to 3 or 1RM
I like the days more even as far as volume goes. Once you start using the shirt though, the top end day takes the front seat because you're adding shirt work to it. You won't know what you can handle or what works for you until you try it and see for yourself.